TeamBookTwo… to Timbuktu!

Day 2: Time to Tango?

Day two of the challenge… and by the time you read this, we should be somewhere in Spain… or is that Morocco? Well, last year – by this point we were in a hotel in Southern Spain enjoying the sunshine, sangria and paella…  I don’t think Andrea will be having any Paella this year… lets say just a “gut feeling” (hehehe) * …

Anyhow… I’m not really able to forecast the future, so will stop blabbing about what we will do in Spain! I can say we made sure not to pass by Palomares (where 4 nukes were dropped about 40-odd years ago in 1966… and 2 exploded…). That said, I have a video for you to watch! Again, this was taken last year – but the route will be almost identical this year. Note where we stopped for breakfast!

* (for those wondering what I’m going on about, Andrea was full, but forced herself to eat one last moule off the paella… Turns out, that last moule tasted “funny” – which in turn gave her food poisoning. Nothing funny at the time, but in retrospect, a fantastic opportunity for a belly laugh… or is that a groaner? Anyhow – a good opportunity for a pun or two!)

December 27th, 2010 at 11:59 pm

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