TeamBookTwo… to Timbuktu!

Al Jazeera in The Sahara?

Looks like Al Jazeera has started broadcasting footage from the Saharan groups, Al-Queda in Mahgreb, Saharan Emirates, & co. Feels like I should be getting much more worried than I am…

An offshoot of al-Qaeda has emerged in the deserts of North Africa, claiming an area it calls the Sahara Emirate.

The group roams the border region of Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Morocco.

Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive footage showing the fighters posing with bombs and rocket propelled grenades at a desert camp.

Mohammed Vall reports from Mauritania.

You will need flash to see the following YouTube video:

On the counter… there a coalition to fight back!

December 10th, 2010 at 11:46 pm

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